Ko te hanganga witi rereke o 99.999% Al;
Reagent a Barker, Marama Polarized
Al-1% Si as-cast tauira me nga matūriki Si i roto i te α-Al matrix;"Si Blue" etch
Al-7.12% Si, as-cast, with primary α-Al dendrites and a-Al/Si eutectic;"Si Blue" etch

Al -11.7% Si, as-cast, with primary a-Al dendrites and a α-Al/Si eutectic;"Si Blue" etch
Al -12% Si, as-cast, near eutectic, "Si Blue" etch

AI -12% Si, as-cast, tata eutectic;Weck's Reagent, Polarized Marama
Na-Modified Al - 12% Si, as-cast, tata eutectic, "Si Blue" etch
Na-Modified Al -12% Si, as-cast, near eutectic Weck's Reagent, Polarized Light
Al - 12.9% Si, gravity die cast, "Si Blue" etch

Al- 12.9% Si-0.04% Sr, gravity die cast, "Si Blue" etch
Al-19.85% Si, as-cast, hypereutectic, matua Si plus eutectic, Weck's Reagent -pūtau eutectic, 200X
Al-25% Si, as-cast, hypereutectic, matua Si me te α-Al/Si eutectic, Weck's Reagent
Al - 50% Si, rite-maka, ngatata tuatahi Si me eutectic, "Si Blue" etch
He mahanga i roto i te polycrystalline 99.9999% Si, he wai-whakarewa 75% NaOH, Nomarski DIC
AI - hoahoa wahanga SIi
Wā tuku: Hūrae-28-2021